

This is the official CartonCloud API version 1 documentation.

For general application documentation please refer to our Knowledge Base.

For information on Custom Fields, please refer to Custom Fields in the API

Accept-Version: 1

Last Updated: 2024-09-23 04:52

Postman Collection

A publicly available Postman Collection is available here: CartonCloud Public API Postman Collection

This collection will be updated in-line with documentation changes.

For help using the Postman Collection, see the Postman Setup for API Access section of our API Clients Knowledge Base Article


CartonCloud authentication follows the OAuth2 specifications.

Tenants and customers integrating with the API are required to use the client credentials grant type to obtain an Access Token.

For information on generating API Keys, refer to our Knowledge Base Article: API Clients

Client Credentials

An access token can be obtained using the client credentials

HTTP Request

Example Request

curl -u {clientId}:{clientSecret} \ 
   "" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
   -d grant_type="client_credentials"



The following client credentials can be obtained from a user with administrator access. The clientId and clientSecret should be set in the HTTP Basic Auth Header

Credential Description
clientId The username for requests to the token end point
clientSecret The password for requests to the token end point

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
grant_type Must be client_credentials

Response Properties

Example Response JSON

  "access_token": "{accessToken}",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600
Property Description
access_token Access token to be used to authenticate subsequent API requests
token_type Will always be bearer
expires_in The number of seconds after which the access token will expiry and will no longer be valid

Access Token

Example Request

# Send the access token with every request
curl "https://api_endpoint" \
  -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"

With every API request a valid access token must be supplied in the request header as a Bearer Tokens

Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}

Software Vendors

Software vendors interested in providing out of the box integration into CartonCloud are required to use OAuth2 authorization code flow to connect.

Account Info


Returns information about the currently authenticated user.


Example Request

curl "" \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"



Example Response JSON

  "id": "318782ea-75b1-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b1234",
  "name": "John Smith",
  "email": "",
  "tenants": [
      "id": "318782ea-75b1-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01babab",
      "name": "Demo Tenant"

On success will return status code 200 OK with the user info in the response body.

JSON Property Description
tenants id
tenants name


General features and requirements for API end points


All API end points will require an Accept-Version in the request header. Failure to provide the header will return a status code of 400, however, an invalid version can return a 404 or 400.

Accept-Version: 1

In general all changes to this API will be made in a non-breaking manner (fields added, but not removed). However, if breaking changes are required the version number will be incremented. The old version will be maintained for up to 12 months before being removed, or if no use is detected over 30 continuous days.


All API end points, except for authentication, will be within the context of a tenant identified by a unique identifier (UUID)



URL Parameter Description
tenantId The UUID for the tenant to be accessed


For search requests and other end points which return multiple elements, data will be paged and the headers below returned.

Pagination uses the number of line items per page, specified using pageSize.



Query Parameter Description Default
page The page number to return results for 1
size The number of elements per page varies with end point


Header Description
Total-Pages Total number of pages of data that is available for the request
Page-Size The number of elements per page
Page-Number The page number for the returned results
Total-Elements The total number of elements that is available for the request
Link Links to other pages as Web Links

Optional Fields


Create Customer

Create a new customer

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “Add Customer” role. This can only be applied to internal clients.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/customers" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"

Example Request JSON

  "scope": "CUSTOMER",
  "references": {
    "code": "TEST_CODE"
  "warehouses": [
  "name": "Test name",
  "email": "",
  "telephone": "7777777"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
JSON Property Type Required Description
scope String - CUSTOMER for customer
references code String - Code for the customer
warehouses Array of Warehouses - Warehouses for which the customer is used for. If not provided will be assigned to the default warehouse
name String Yes Company name for the customer
email String - Email address for the customer
telephone String - Phone number for the customer


Example Response JSON

  "enabled": true,
  "telephone": "7777777",
  "email": "",
  "warehouses": [
  "scope": "CUSTOMER",
  "name": "Test name",
  "references": {
    "code": "TEST_CODE"
  "id": "d9ca778f-d09c-422b-a422-f39597b9ad5d"

On success will return status code 201 Created with the created order in the response body. The data structure will be the same as in the above request, with the following additional properties.

JSON Property Type Description
id String UUID for the customer
enabled Boolean If the Customer is enabled or not (defaults to true)

List Customers

Get a list of available customers

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have at least one of the following roles:


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/customers" \
   -X GET \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant


Example Response JSON

    "name": "Steam Chef Store",
    "id": "8f1a7728-c084-11e8-85b4-02a6cf3a00de"
    "name": "Alcohol Formula",
    "id": "8f1a78d3-c084-11e8-85b4-02a6cf3a00de"

On success will return status code 200 OK with the list of customers in the body.

Get Customer

Retrieves a previously created customer

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have at least one of the following roles:


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/customers/{id}" \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the customer


Example Response JSON

  "name": "Steam Chef Store",
  "id": "8f1a7728-c084-11e8-85b4-02a6cf3a00de"

On success will return status code 200 OK with the customer in the response body.

Inbound Orders (Purchase Orders)

Create Inbound Order

Create a new inbound order (purchase order)

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Create Job” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/inbound-orders" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"

Example Request JSON

  "type": "INBOUND",
  "status": "DRAFT",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "warehouse": {...},
  "details": {
    "urgent": true,
    "instructions": "",
    "arrivalDate": "2018-01-31"
  "properties": {
    "myCustomField": "info"
  "items": [
      "properties": {
        "expiryDate": "2018-10-25",
        "batch": "AAAA"
      "details": {
        "product": {...},
        "unitOfMeasure": {
          "type": "UNITS"
      "measures": {
        "quantity": 25
      "properties": {
        "expiryDate": "2018-10-22",
        "batch": "BBBB"
      "details": {
        "product": {...},
        "unitOfMeasure": {
          "type": "CASES"
      "measures": {
        "quantity": 2


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
JSON Property Type Required Description
type String - The type of the order. This defaults to INBOUND when making a request to this endpoint
status Status - Status for the order. Set to DRAFT to make it a draft order, otherwise will be assigned the initial status based on workflow.
references References Yes References for the order
customer Customer Yes Customer for which the order is for
warehouse Warehouse - Warehouse for which the order is for. If not provided will be assigned to the default warehouse
details urgent Boolean - true for urgent orders
instructions String - Special instructions related to the order
arrivalDate String - The arrival date for the order
properties {custom} * - Custom fields relating to the order
items properties {custom} * - Custom fields relating to the item (eg. batch, expiry, etc.)
details product Product Yes The product for the item
unitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure - The unit of measure the product will be created with. If not provided the default for the product will be used.
measures quantity Decimal Yes The quantity of the given product for the item


Example Response JSON

  "id": "318782ea-75b1-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b9ebc",
  "type": "INBOUND",
  "status": "DRAFT",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "warehouse": {...},
  "details": {...},
  "properties": {...},
  "items": [...],
  "version": 1

On success will return status code 201 Created with the created order in the response body. The data structure will be the same as in the above request, with the following additional properties.

JSON Property Description
id UUID for the order
version Version number for the entity

Get Inbound Order

Retrieves a previously created inbound order (purchase order)

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Create Job” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/inbound-orders/{id}" \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"
   -H "Prefer: return=no-items" \


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the order
Header Value Description
Prefer return=no-items If the preference header applied, items will not be included in the response.


Example Response JSON

  "id": "318782ea-75b1-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b9ebc",
  "status": "DRAFT",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "warehouse": {...},
  "details": {
    "urgent": true,
    "instructions": "",
    "arrivalDate": "2018-01-31",
    "parentId": "61d077f7-d035-44e4-8d3d-cdc6b84b298a",
    "hasChildren": false
  "items": [...],
  "version": 1

Example Response JSON with Prefer Header (return=no-items) provided

  "id": "318782ea-75b1-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b9ebc",
  "status": "DRAFT",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "warehouse": {...},
  "details": {...},
  "version": 1

On success will return status code 200 OK with the order in the response body. For details on the response data refer to create end point

Update Inbound Order

Updates a previously created inbound order (purchase order)


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/inbound-orders/{id}" \
   -X PUT \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "If-Match: {version}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


For details on the request data refer to response for create

URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the order
Header Description
If-Match Version number for the current entity


Example Response JSON

  "id": "318782ea-75b1-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b9ebc",
  "status": "DRAFT",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "warehouse": {...},
  "details": {...},
  "items": [...],
  "version": 2

On success will return status code 200 OK with the updated order in the response body. For details on the response data refer to response for create

Delete Inbound Order

Deletes an inbound order (purchase order)

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Create Job” role.

Deletion is only allowed for certain Purchase Order Statuses, which are configurable via the "Purchase Order Statuses on which overriding pre-existing Purchase Orders allowed on upload." Organization Setting: Purchase Order Allowed Edit Organization Setting


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/inbound-orders/{id}" \
   -X DELETE \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the order


On success will return status code 204 No Content with an empty body.

Search Inbound Orders

Search for previously created inbound orders (purchase order)


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/inbound-orders/search" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "If-Match: {version}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -H "Prefer: return=minimal" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


Example Request JSON

    "condition": {
        "type": "OrCondition",
        "conditions": [
                "type": "AndCondition",
                "conditions": [
                        "type": "TextComparisonCondition",
                        "field": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "reference"
                        "value": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "REF-1"
                        "method": "STARTS_WITH"
                        "type": "TextComparisonCondition",
                        "field": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "customerName"
                        "value": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "Customer A"
                        "method": "EQUAL_TO"
JSON Property Type Description
condition type string Wrap level condition ( OrCondition / AndCondition )
conditions Array of Search Conditions All conditions in the array will be combined by the wrap level condition specified in the "type" field
Header Value Description
Prefer return=minimal Switch the response into minimal representation. If preference applied the Preference-Applied response header will be returned

Currently these keys are available for search (/conditions/field/value):

Name Type
reference String
customerName String
customerId String
arrivalDate String
createdDate String


Example Response JSON with Prefer Header provided

        "id": "fe84f560-515d-40d8-9760-0c222d7bfde7"
        "id": "4c1c1721-27c8-4bec-a7b7-49c386e0bee7"

Example Response JSON without Prefer Header

    "details": {...},
    "items": [
    "type": "INBOUND",
    "status": "ALLOCATED",
    "customer": {
      "enabled": true,
      "name": "Customer A",
      "id": "ef50364f-ee15-4d8f-b938-3f77effedfe3"
    "warehouse": {
      "enabled": true,
      "name": "Default",
      "id": "bbe1b844-f016-11ec-a36a-0296022725e2"
    "version": 2,
    "references": {
      "customer": "REF-1",
      "numericId": "1"
    "id": "aa031748-b085-4c77-bec4-bdb91cd6c6db"
    "details": {...},
    "items": [
    "type": "INBOUND",
    "status": "VERIFIED",
    "customer": {
      "enabled": true,
      "name": "Customer A",
      "id": "ef50364f-ee15-4d8f-b938-3f77effedfe3"
    "warehouse": {
      "enabled": true,
      "name": "Default",
      "id": "bbe1b844-f016-11ec-a36a-0296022725e2"
    "version": 2,
    "references": {
      "customer": "REF-12",
      "numericId": "2"
    "id": "08619bd8-592b-4837-89f6-2c36c9ccc3f6"

On success will return status code 200 Success with an array of found inbound orders in response body. The array can be paged (see Pagination)

Outbound Orders (Sale Orders)

Create Outbound Order

Create a new outbound order (sale order)

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Create Jobs” role.

NB If the customer is configured with the "Automatically Generate a Consignment from a Sale Order" setting, "Yes, on Sale Order Import or Pack Completion", then the API Client will also require the “TMS Create Jobs” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/outbound-orders" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"

Example Request JSON

  "type": "OUTBOUND",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "warehouse": {...},
  "details": {
    "urgent": true,
    "instructions": "",
    "collect": {
      "requiredDate": "2018-06-21"
    "deliver": {
      "address": {...},
      "method": { 
        "type": "SHIPPING",
        "requestedService": "Express"
      "instructions": "Leave by front door",
      "requiredDate": "2018-06-22",
      "cashPaymentAmount": {...}
    "invoiceValue": {...}
  "properties": {
    "myCustomField": "info"
  "items": [
      "properties": {
        "expiryDate": "2018-10-25",
        "batch": "AAAA"
      "details": {
        "product": {...},
        "unitOfMeasure": {
          "type": "UNITS"
      "measures": {
        "quantity": 25
      "properties": {
        "expiryDate": "2018-10-22",
        "batch": "BBBB"
      "details": {
        "product": {...},
        "unitOfMeasure": {
          "type": "CASES"
      "measures": {
        "quantity": 2


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
JSON Property Type Required Description
type String - The type of the order. This defaults to OUTBOUND when making a request to this endpoint
references References Yes References for the order
customer Customer Yes Customer for which the order is for
warehouse Warehouse - Warehouse for which the order is for. If not provided will be assigned to the default warehouse
details urgent Boolean - true for urgent orders
instructions String - Special instructions related to the order
collect requiredDate Date - Date the order should be shipped or collected from warehouse
deliver address Address Yes Address to deliver order to
method DeliveryMethod - The type of method used to transfer order items to a customer
instructions String - Special delivery instructions
requiredDate Date - Date the order should be delivered
cashPaymentAmount Money - Cash on delivery amount to be paid
invoiceValue Money - Total invoice value for the order. Must be greater than or equal to 0.00
properties {custom} * - Custom fields relating to the order
items properties {custom} * - Custom fields relating to the item (eg. batch, expiry, etc.)
details product Product Yes Product for the item
unitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure - The unit of measure the product will be created with. If not provided the default for the product will be used.
measures quantity Decimal Yes The quantity of the given product for the item


Example Response JSON

    "id": "fb5b56f6-a68e-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
    "type": "OUTBOUND",
    "references": {...},
    "customer": {...},
    "warehouse": {...},
    "details": {
        "urgent": true,
        "instructions": "",
        "collect": {...},
        "deliver": {...},
        "invoiceValue": {...},
        "errors": [
                "message": "Ice Cream (IC-123) x 25 UNITS - Product not found",
                "isResolved": false
    "status": "REJECTED",
    "properties": {...},
    "items": [...],
    "version": 1

On success will return status code 201 Created with the created order in the response body. A 228 Created with issues status code will be returned for outbound orders created in a rejected status typically due to stock issues. The data structure will be the same as in the above request, with the following additional properties.

JSON Property Type Description
id string UUID for the order
version integer Version number for the entity
details errors Array of Error References If the order was created in a REJECTED status, additional information can be found in errors

Get Outbound Order

Retrieves a previously created outbound order (sale order)

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Create Job” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/outbound-orders/{id}" \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the order


Example Response JSON

    "id": "fb5b56f6-a68e-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
    "type": "OUTBOUND",
    "references": {...},
    "customer": {...},
    "warehouse": {...},
    "details": {...}
    "status": "DISPATCHED",
    "properties": {...},
    "items": [...],
    "version": 5

On success will return status code 200 OK with the order in the response body. For details on the response data refer to response for create

Update Outbound Order (sale order)

Updates a previously created outbound order

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Create Job” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/outbound-orders/{orderId}" \
   -X PUT \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "If-Match: {version}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


For details on the request data refer to response for create

URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the order
Header Description
If-Match Version number for the current entity


Example Response JSON

  "id": "fb5b56f6-a68e-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
  "status": "DRAFT",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "warehouse": {...},
  "details": {...},
  "items": [...],
  "version": 2

On success will return status code 200 OK with the updated order in the response body. For details on the response data refer to create end point

Delete Outbound Order

Deletes an outbound order (sale order)

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Create Job” role.

Deletion is only allowed for certain Sale Order Statuses, which are configurable via the "Sale Order Statuses on which overriding a pre-existing Sale Order (or deleting an existing Sale Order) is allowed" Organization Setting: Sale Order Allowed Edit/Delete Organization Setting


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/outbound-orders/{id}" \
   -X DELETE \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the order


On success will return status code 204 No Content with an empty body.

Search Outbound Orders

Search for previously created outbound orders (sale order)


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/outbound-orders/search" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "If-Match: {version}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -H "Prefer: return=minimal" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


Example Request JSON

    "condition": {
        "type": "OrCondition",
        "conditions": [
                "type": "AndCondition",
                "conditions": [
                        "type": "TextComparisonCondition",
                        "field": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "reference"
                        "value": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "REF-1"
                        "method": "STARTS_WITH"
                        "type": "TextComparisonCondition",
                        "field": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "customerName"
                        "value": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "Customer A"
                        "method": "EQUAL_TO"
JSON Property Type Description
condition type string Wrap level condition ( OrCondition / AndCondition )
conditions Array of Search Conditions All conditions in the array will be combined by the wrap level condition specified in the "type" field
Header Value Description
Prefer return=minimal Switch the response into minimal representation. If preference applied the Preference-Applied response header will be returned

Currently these keys are available for search (/conditions/field/value):

Name Type
reference String
customerName String
customerId String


Example Response JSON with Prefer Header provided

        "id": "fe84f560-515d-40d8-9760-0c222d7bfde7"
        "id": "4c1c1721-27c8-4bec-a7b7-49c386e0bee7"

Example Response JSON without Prefer Header

      "type": "OUTBOUND",
      "references": {
          "customer": "REF-123"
      "customer": {
          "enabled": true,
          "name": "Customer A",
          "references": {
              "code": "CustomerA"
          "id": "c3b1a598-c085-11e8-85b4-02a6cf3a00de"
      "version": 17,
      "warehouse": {...},
      "details": {...},
      "properties": {...},
      "status": "PACKING_IN_PROGRESS",
      "items": [
      "id": "fe84f560-515d-40d8-9760-0c222d7bfde7"
      "type": "OUTBOUND",
      "references": {
          "customer": "REF-124"
      "customer": {
          "enabled": true,
          "name": "Customer A",
          "references": {
              "code": "CustomerA"
          "id": "c3b1a598-c085-11e8-85b4-02a6cf3a00de"
      "version": 17,
      "warehouse": {...},
      "details": {...},
      "properties": {...},
      "status": "DRAFT",
      "items": [
      "id": "4c1c1721-27c8-4bec-a7b7-49c386e0bee7"

On success will return status code 200 Success with an array of found outbound orders in response body. The array can be paged (see Pagination)

Create Outbound Document

Attach a document to an existing outbound order.

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have at least one of the following roles:

Note, for API Clients with Customer-Role access, you need to have allowed the Customer to upload documents: Customer Invoice or Document Upload


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/outbound-orders/{outboundOrderId}/documents" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"

Example Request JSON

  "content": {
    "name": "Invoice.pdf",
    "data": "JVBERi0xLjcKJeLjz9MKNSdCAzOCAwIFIKL0...{base64 encoded file content}"


JSON Property Type Required Description
content name String Yes Name of the uploaded file
data String Yes Base64-encoded content of the file


Example Response JSON

  "content": {
    "name": "Invoice.pdf",
    "data": "JVBERi0xLjcKJeLjz9MKNSdCAzOCAwIFIKL0...{base64 encoded file content}"
  "owner": {
    "type": "OUTBOUND",
    "id": "2df05c03-8f11-4cba-b78d-7a6f34d34c8b"
  "id": "975487fb-833d-41de-9ac2-114d8e6cb9e2"

On success will return status code 201 Created with the created document details in the response body.

Get Outbound Document

Retrieves a previously created outbound order document

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have at least one of the following roles:


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/outbound-orders/{outboundOrderId}/documents/{id}" \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
outboundOrderId UUID for the order
id UUID for the invoice


Example Response JSON

  "content": {
    "name": "Invoice.pdf",
    "data": "JVBERi0xLjcKJeLjz9MKNSdCAzOCAwIFIKL0...{base64 encoded file content}"
  "owner": {
    "type": "OUTBOUND",
    "id": "2df05c03-8f11-4cba-b78d-7a6f34d34c8b"
  "id": "975487fb-833d-41de-9ac2-114d8e6cb9e2"

On success will return status code 200 Success with the document details in the response body.

Download Outbound Document

Download a previously created outbound order document

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have at least one of the following roles:


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/outbound-orders/{outboundOrderId}/documents/{id}/download" \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
outboundOrderId UUID for the order
id UUID for the invoice


On success will return the document file content

List Outbound Documents

Get a list of documents for an existing outbound order

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have at least one of the following roles:


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/outbound-orders/{outboundOrderId}/documents" \
   -X GET \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Prefer: return=minimal" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" 


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
outboundOrderId UUID for the outbound order
Header Value Description
Prefer return=minimal Switch the response into minimal representation. If preference applied the Preference-Applied response header will be returned


Example Response JSON

    "content": {
      "name": "Invoice.pdf"
    "id": "1b1f5eab-007e-4fcc-a7b6-0583c830ad56"
    "content": {
      "name": "Invoice2.pdf"
    "id": "975487fb-833d-41de-9ac2-114d8e6cb9e2"
    "content": {
      "name": "Invoice3.png"
    "id": "e528b2f1-60f6-441d-aac3-1f0c123984b1"

On success will return status code 200 Success with an array of found invoices in response body. The array can be paged (see Pagination)

Warehouse Products

Create Warehouse Product

Create a new warehouse product

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Add Product” role.

Warehouse Product


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/warehouse-products" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


Example Warehouse Product Request JSON

  "scope": "WAREHOUSE",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "type": "FROZEN",
  "name": "Ice Cream",
  "description": "Chocolate ice cream 4L",
  "details": {
    "variableWeight": true,
    "storage": {
      "chargeMethod": "PER_LOCATION"
    "inbound": {
      "initialStatus": "QC"
    "stockSelection": {
      "method": "FEFO",
      "secondaryMethod": "MINIMISE_STORAGE",
      "strict": true,
      "expiryThresholdDays": 10
  "itemPropertyRequirements": {
    "expiry": "REQUIRED",
    "batch": "OPTIONAL"
  "defaultUnitOfMeasure": "cartons",
  "unitOfMeasures": {
    "units": {
      "baseQty": 1,
      "weight": 1.2,
      "volume": 0.25
    "cartons": {
      "baseQty": 10
    "pallets": {
      "baseQty": 100
  "notifications": [
      "type": "STOCK_EXPIRY",
      "thresholdDays": 20
      "type": "STOCK_LOW",
      "thresholdCount": 10
URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
JSON Property Type Required Description
scope String Yes WAREHOUSE for warehousing product
type String Yes Product types are defined per tenant
references References Yes References for the product
customer Customer Yes Customer for which the product is for
name String Yes Short name for the product
description String - Full product description
details variableWeight Boolean - true for variable weight products
storage chargeMethod String - PER_LOCATION, ``
inbound initialStatus String - Initial product status when first received
stockSelection method String - FEFO, FIFO
secondaryMethod String - MINIMISE_STORAGE
strict Boolean - Strict selection method
expiryThresholdDays Integer - Expiry threshold days
itemPropertyRequirements {custom} String - REQUIRED, OPTIONAL
defaultUnitOfMeasure String Yes
unitOfMeasures {unit of measure} baseQty Decimal Yes Quantity of base unit of measure per one of this unit of measure
weight Decimal - Weight per unit of measure
volume Decimal - Volume per unit of measure
notifications - List of notifications applicable to this product
type String Yes Notification type
* * * Varies depending on notification


Example Response JSON

  "id": "318782ea-75b1-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b9ebc",

On success will return status code 201 Created with the created product in the response body. The data structure will be the same as in the above request, with the following additional id property.

JSON Property Description
id UUID for the product

Get Product

Retrieves a previously created product

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have at least one of the following roles:


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/warehouse-products/{id}" \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the product


Example Response JSON

  "id": "fb5b56f6-a68e-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
  "name": "Ice Cream",
  "type": "Chilled",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "details": {...},
  "itemPropertyRequirements": {...},
  "unitOfMeasures": {...}

On success will return status code 200 OK with the product in the response body. For details on the response data refer to response for create

Update Product (PUT)

Updates a previously created product

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Edit Product” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/warehouse-products/{id}" \
   -X PUT \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the product

Example Request JSON

For details on the request data refer to response for create


Example Response JSON

  "id": "fb5b56f6-a68e-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
  "name": "Ice Cream",
  "type": "Chilled",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "details": {...},
  "itemPropertyRequirements": {...},
  "unitOfMeasures": {...}

On success will return status code 200 OK with the updated product in the response body. For details on the response data refer to response for create

Partial Product Update (PATCH)

Updates a previously created product

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Edit Product” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/warehouse-products/{id}" \
   -X PATCH \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the product

Example Request JSON

        "op": "remove",
        "path": "/itemPropertyRequirements/expiry"
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/name",
        "value": "Strawberry Ice Cream"
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/notifications/-",
           "type": "STOCK_LOW",
           "thresholdCount": 30


Example Response JSON

  "id": "fb5b56f6-a68e-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
  "name": "Strawberry Ice Cream",
  "type": "Chilled",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "details": {...},
  "itemPropertyRequirements": {...},
  "unitOfMeasures": {...}

On success will return status code 200 OK with the updated product in the response body. For details on the response data refer to response for create


Create Consignment

Create a new consignment

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “TMS Create Jobs” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/consignments" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"

Example Request JSON

  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "warehouse": {...},
  "user": {...},
  "details": {
    "collect": {
      "address": {...},
    "deliver": {
      "address": {...},
      "instructions": "Leave by front door",
      "requiredDate": "2018-06-22",
      "cashPaymentAmount": {...}
    "invoiceValue": {...},
    "manifest": {...},
    "type": {...},
    "authorityToLeave": {...},
    "authorityToLeaveInstructions": {...},
    "deliveryRun": {...},
    "runsheet": {...},
    "tracking": {
      "companyName": "Tracking company",
      "url": ""
  "properties": {
    "serviceType": "EXPRESS",
    "myCustomField": "info"
  "items": [
      "properties": {
        "description": "misc equipment"
      "measures": {
        "pallets": 2,
        "weight": 120,
        "quantity": 10
      "measures": {
        "pallets": 3,
        "weight": 160
      "details": {
        "product": {
          "references": {
            "code": "DRUM"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
JSON Property Type Required Description
type String - The type of the order. This defaults to CONSIGNMENT when making a request to this endpoint
references References Yes References for the consignment
customer Customer Yes Customer for which the consignment is for
warehouse Warehouse
user User Reference to a driver
status *See note below
details collect address Address - Address to collect consignment from (defaults to depot)
deliver address Address - Address to deliver consignment to (defaults to depot)
requiredDate Date - Date the consignment should be delivered
instructions String - Special delivery instructions
cashPaymentAmount Money - Cash on delivery amount to be paid
invoiceValue Money - Total invoice value for the consignment. Must be greater than or equal to 0.00
manifest Manifest - Reference to a manifest
authorityToLeave Boolean -
authorityToLeaveInstructions String -
deliveryRun Delivery Run -
runsheet Run Sheet -
tracking companyName String - Tracking Company Name
url String - Tracking URL

Note, Tracking Number is set via References
properties {custom} * - Custom fields relating to the consignment
items properties description String - Free text description of item being transported
{custom} * - Custom fields relating to the item
measures pallets Integer - Total number of pallets for the item
weight Decimal - Total weight of the item
cubic Decimal - Total cubic of the item
quantity decimal - Quantity of the item
spaces decimal - Total spaces of the item
details product Product - Product for the item


Example Response JSON

  "id": "028ff38c-a68f-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
  "type": "CONSIGNMENT",
  "status": "DRAFT",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "details": {...},
  "properties": {...},
  "items": [...],
  "version": 1

On success will return status code 201 Created with the created consignment in the response body. The data structure will be the same as in the above request, with the following additional properties.

JSON Property Description
id UUID for the consignment
status Status of the consignment
version Version number for the entity

Get Consignment

Retrieves a previously created consignment

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “TMS Create Jobs” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/consignments/{id}" \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the consignment


Example Response JSON

  "id": "028ff38c-a68f-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
  "status": "DRAFT",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "details": {...},
  "items": [...],
  "version": 1

On success will return status code 200 OK with the order in the response body. For details on the response data refer to response for create

Update Consignment

Updates a previously created consignment


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/consignments/{id}" \
   -X PUT \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "If-Match: {version}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


For details on the request data refer to response for create

URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the consignment
Header Description
If-Match Version number for the current entity


Example Response JSON

  "id": "028ff38c-a68f-11e8-98d0-529269fb1459",
  "status": "DRAFT",
  "references": {...},
  "customer": {...},
  "details": {...},
  "items": [...],
  "version": 2

On success will return status code 200 OK with the updated consignment in the response body. For details on the response data refer to response for create

Search Consignment

Search for previously created consignments

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “TMS Create Jobs” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/consignments/search" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "If-Match: {version}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -H "Prefer: return=minimal" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


Example Request JSON

    "condition": {
        "type": "OrCondition",
        "conditions": [
                "type": "AndCondition",
                "conditions": [
                        "type": "TextComparisonCondition",
                        "field": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "reference"
                        "value": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "REF-1"
                        "method": "STARTS_WITH"
                        "type": "TextComparisonCondition",
                        "field": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "customerName"
                        "value": {
                            "type": "ValueField",
                            "value": "Customer A"
                        "method": "EQUAL_TO"
JSON Property Type Description
condition type string Wrap level condition ( OrCondition / AndCondition )
conditions Array of Search Conditions All conditions in the array will be combined by the wrap level condition specified in the "type" field
Header Value Description
Prefer return=minimal Switch the response into minimal representation. If preference applied the Preference-Applied response header will be returned

Currently these keys are available for search (/conditions/field/value):

Name Type Description
reference String References for the consignment
customerName String Customer name
customerId String UUID for the customer
runSheetId String UUID for the run sheet
runSheetDate String Run sheet date
runSheetName String Run sheet name
runSheetStatus String Run sheet status. Enable values - DRAFT / READY_TO_BUILD / BUILDING / BUILT / READY_FOR_DELIVERY
driverId String UUID for the run sheet driver
driverName String Run sheet driver name
deliveryRunId String UUID for the delivery run
deliveryRunName String Delivery run name


Example Response JSON with Prefer Header provided

        "id": "fe84f560-515d-40d8-9760-0c222d7bfde7"
        "id": "4c1c1721-27c8-4bec-a7b7-49c386e0bee7"

Example Response JSON without Prefer Header

        "id": "fe84f560-515d-40d8-9760-0c222d7bfde7",
        "status": "COLLECTED",
        "references": {
            "customer": "REF-12345"
        "customer": {
            "enabled": true,
            "name": "Customer A",
            "references": {
              "code": "CustomerA"
            "id": "09ecff1f-79f9-4186-9a72-7eedyd1k3f42"
        "details": {...},
        "items": [...],
        "id": "4c1c1721-27c8-4bec-a7b7-49c386e0bee7",
        "status": "COLLECTED",
        "references": {
            "customer": "REF-123"
        "customer": {
            "enabled": true,
            "name": "Customer A",
            "references": {
              "code": "CustomerA"
            "id": "09ecff1f-79f9-4186-9a72-7eedyd1k3f42"
        "details": {...},
        "items": [...],

On success will return status code 200 with an array of found consignments in response body. The array can be paged (see Pagination)

Transport Products

Create Transport Product

Create a new transport product

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “TMS Add/Edit Product” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/products" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


Example Transport Product Request JSON

  "scope": "TRANSPORT",
  "references": {
    "code": "FPLT"
  "name": "Frozen Pallet",
  "details": {
    "uiOptions": {
      "consignmentItems": {
        "cubicCalculator": {
          "multiplierField": "PALLETS"
  "properties": {
    "width": 1.2,
    "height": 1.2,
    "length": 1.2,
    "customField": "XYZ"
URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
JSON Property Type Required Description
scope String Yes TRANSPORT for transport product
type String Yes Product types are defined per tenant
references References Yes References for the product
customer Customer - Customer if product is for a specific customer only
name String Yes Description of the product
properties {custom} - Custom properties associated with an entity (length, width, height etc.)
details uiOptions consignmentItems cubicCalculator/multiplierField - The default field for the Cubic Multiplier in the consignment items Cubic Calculator functionality
enabled Boolean - If the Transport Product is enabled or not (defaults to true)


Example Response JSON

  "id": "318782ea-75b1-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b9ebc",

On success will return status code 201 Created with the created product in the response body. The data structure will be the same as in the above request, with the following additional id property.

JSON Property Description
id UUID for the product

List Transport Products

Get a list of available transport products

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have at least one of the following roles:


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/products" \
   -X GET \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant


On success will return status code 200 OK with the list of transport products in the body.

Example Response JSON

    "id": "318782ea-75b1-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b9ebc",
    "scope": "TRANSPORT",
    "references": {
      "code": "FPLT"
    "name": "Frozen Pallet",
    "details": {
      "uiOptions": {
        "consignmentItems": {
          "cubicCalculator": {
            "multiplierField": "PALLETS"
    "properties": {
      "width": 1.2,
      "height": 1.2,
      "length": 1.2,
      "customField": "XYZ"

Get Transport Product

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have at least one of the following roles:


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/products/{id}" \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the transport product


Example Response JSON

  "id": "318782ea-75b1-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b9ebc",
  "scope": "TRANSPORT",
  "references": {
    "code": "FPLT"
  "name": "Frozen Pallet",
  "details": {
    "uiOptions": {
      "consignmentItems": {
        "cubicCalculator": {
          "multiplierField": "PALLETS"
  "properties": {
    "width": 1.2,
    "height": 1.2,
    "length": 1.2,
    "customField": "XYZ"

On success will return status code 200 OK with the product in the response body. For details on the response data refer to response for create


Create Document

Create a new document and attach it to an object in the system (owner).

Note, for API Clients with Customer-Role access, you need to have allowed the Customer to upload documents: Customer Invoice or Document Upload


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/documents" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"

Example Request JSON

  "owner": {
    "type": "OUTBOUND",
    "id": "fb5b56f6-a68e-1168-95d0-52929djs1459"
  "content": {
    "name": "Invoice.pdf",
    "data": "JVBERi0xLjcKJeLjz9MKNSdCAzOCAwIFIKL0...{base64 encoded file content}"


JSON Property Type Required Description
type String Yes Code of document type (*)
owner id String Yes Owner object UUID
type String Yes Type of the owner object in the system (ex. OUTBOUND)
content name String Yes Name of the uploaded file
data String Yes Base64-encoded content of the file

(*) Codes of document types with related owner types

Owner type Document type Description


Example Response JSON

  "content": {
    "name": "Invoice.pdf"
  "owner": {
    "type": "OUTBOUND",
    "id": "2df05c03-8f11-4cba-b78d-7a6f34d34c8b"
  "id": "975487fb-833d-41de-9ac2-114d8e6cb9e2"

On success will return status code 201 Created with the created document details in the response body.


Report generation is performed asynchronously. The initial POST to report-runs will start the report generation process and a report-run id will be returned (not the report itself). This id can then be used to check if the report has finished generating, and, if so, access the report content. While reports are generating, the status of the report-run will be IN_PROCESS. Once a report has completed generating the status will become SUCCESS. If the report generation fails, the status will become FAILED.

Depending on the report size and other report-runs requests being processed, reports may take several seconds through to several minutes in order to complete generation. After the initial POST request, we recommend sending the first GET request 10 seconds later, and if still IN_PROCESS, using exponential back-off polling (20s delay, 40s delay, 80s delay etc).

Create report run

Create a report run

Each report run object consists of 2 fields

JSON Property Type Required Description
type String Yes Report type
parameters Object Yes Parameters specific for report type

Once you have run the report, you will receive the returned JSON object. The returned JSON object may differ from what you provided in the request. For example, the pageSize may reduce to match the allowed maximum. In addition, default parameters may be added if they were not provided in the request. The status will read as; IN_PROCESS.

Most report processing will not take longer than several seconds; however, if the status is still IN_PROCESS after one minute of creation, we recommend sending the request again.

To access the report results, you will need to use the id provided. You will use this id for calling the Get endpoint to receive the report results.

Stock on hand report

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “WMS Create Job” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/report-runs" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


Example Stock on hand report run Request JSON

  "type": "STOCK_ON_HAND",
  "parameters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "warehouse": {
      "name": "Default"
    "customer": {
      "id": "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"
    "aggregateBy": [
URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
JSON Property Type Required Description
type String Yes STOCK_ON_HAND
parameters Object Yes
pageSize Integer - Number of items per page. If not provided default value will be applied. Maximum value for Stock on hand report is 100
warehouse Warehouse - Warehouse reference. If not provided will be set to the default warehouse
customer Customer Yes Customer which stock will be analyzed
aggregateBy array - Criteria used to aggregate stock. NB, some criteria will always be applied. Please see aggregateBy criteria table below

Available aggregateBy criteria list:

Name Always applied Description Limitation
productType Product type
productGroup Product group
productStatus Yes Product status
unitOfMeasure Yes Product unit of measure
inboundOrder Inbound order reference
location Warehouse location Available only for api clients with unlimited customers access

NB. Additional to these criteria you can provide the customer's product custom fields or purchase order product custom fields, eg. expiryDate, batch, barcode


Example Stock on hand report run Response JSON

 "type": "STOCK_ON_HAND",
 "status": "IN_PROCESS",
 "parameters": {
  "pageSize": 100,
  "warehouse": {
   "name": "Default"
  "customer": {
   "id": "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"
  "aggregateBy": [
 "id": "8d0ada6a-9414-4cfe-83b6-ac09689373cd"

On success will return status code 201 Created with the created report run object in the response body.

Bulk charges report

To perform this action, the API Client needs to have the “Internal Field Access” role.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/report-runs" \
   -X POST \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d "{JSON AS BELOW}"


Example Bulk charges report run Request JSON

  "type": "BULK_CHARGES",
  "parameters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "dateFilter": "date_added",
    "fromDate": "2023-10-01",
    "toDate": "2023-10-07",
    "customers": [
        "id": "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"
URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
JSON Property Type Required Description
type String Yes BULK_CHARGES
parameters Object Yes
pageSize Integer - Specify the number of items per page. If not provided, the default value will be applied. The maximum value for Bulk charges report is 100.
dateFilter String - Filter the results by date.
Set to date_added will work off Charges entity created date.
Set to date_invoice will work off Invoice start/end dates.
Set to date_activity will work off Charges entity activity date based on entity type
fromDate Date - Specify the start range of entity created date or invoice date. YYYY-MM-DD formatted.
toDate Date - Specify the end range of entity created date or invoice date. YYYY-MM-DD formatted.
customers arrayCustomer - Filter the results by customers which Charges belongs to.
chargeClasses array - Filter the results by Charge class. Please see chargeClasses criteria table below.

Available chargeClasses criteria list:

Name Description
CONSIGNMENT Charges for Consignments
MANIFEST Charges for Manifests
SALE_ORDER Charges for Sale Orders
PURCHASE_ORDER Charges for Purchase Orders
STORAGE_PERIOD Charges for Storage Periods
RUN_SHEET Charges for Run Sheets

Activity Date definitions for each entity type / charge class:

Name Description
CONSIGNMENT Date Delivered for Consignments
MANIFEST Date Added for Manifests
SALE_ORDER Date Packed for SOs
PURCHASE_ORDER Date Allocated for POs
STORAGE_PERIOD Work off Storage Periods start/end date.
End date later than From date if specified.
Start date prior to To date if specified.
RUN_SHEET Delivery date for RunSheets


Example Bulk charges report run Response JSON

  "type": "BULK_CHARGES",
  "status": "IN_PROCESS",
  "parameters": {
    "pageSize": 100,
    "dateFilter": "date_added",
    "fromDate": "2023-10-01",
    "toDate": "2023-10-07",
    "customers": [
        "id": "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"
  "id": "8d0ada6a-9414-4cfe-83b6-ac09689373cd"

On success will return status code 201 Created with the created report run object in the response body.

JSON Property Type Description
id string UUID for the report run

Get Report Run results

Retrieve the report run results.

If the response is successful, the return status code will be 200 OK with the report run object and report items. The pagination header is provided to iterate through the pages (see Pagination).

If the report fails, the GET request will still return the status code 200 OK with the report run object, however, it will also show the error details.


Example Request

curl "{tenantId}/report-runs/{id}" \
   -H "Accept-Version: 1" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"


URL Property Description
tenantId UUID for the tenant
id UUID for the report run

Response of Stock on hand report (SUCCESS)

Example SUCCESS Response JSON of Stock on hand report

    "type": "STOCK_ON_HAND",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "reportTime": "2021-07-16 14:15:16",
    "parameters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "warehouse": {
            "name": "Default"
        "customer": {
            "id": "791a3061-383d-4759-a3b4-0bc89d48608d"
        "aggregateBy": [
    "items": [
            "details": {
                "product": {
                    "customer": {...},
                        "id": "791a3061-383d-4759-a3b4-0bc89d48608d"
                    "name": "Dark Chocolate Cookies",
                    "references": {
                        "code": "COOKIES123"
                    "id": "089c89d4-0080-4fe9-855b-8ccf29d5ebf8"
                "unitOfMeasure": {
                    "type": "UNIT",
                    "name": "UNIT"
            "type": "ITEM",
            "measures": {
                "quantity": 7140,
                "quantityFree": 7100,
                "quantityIncoming": 0,
                "quantityAllocated": 40
            "properties": {
                "productType": "General",
                "inboundOrder": {
                    "id": "b51c26f7-59d9-49cc-924f-d47a481d3468"
                "unitOfMeasure": {
                    "type": "UNIT",
                    "name": "UNIT"
                "location": {
                    "name": "LL-6-2",
                    "id": "791d28d1-250a-4b55-9f64-0977244a36bd"
                "productStatus": "OK"
    "id": "8d0ada6a-9414-4cfe-83b6-ac09689373cd"
JSON Property Type Description
id string UUID for the report run
status string SUCCESS
reportTime DateTime Time of the report
items details product Product Product reference
unitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure The unit of measure for the product.
measures quantity Decimal The amount of stock in the Warehouse
quantityFree Decimal The amount of stock that has not been allocated to Sale Orders
quantityAllocated Decimal The amount of stock that has been allocated to Sale Orders
quantityIncoming Decimal The amount of stock on Purchase Orders with status of "Not Yet Received"
properties {custom} * Product properties unique for provided aggregatedBy values. All provided aggregatedBy values will be returned as properties of the report item

Response of Bulk charges report (SUCCESS)

Example SUCCESS Response JSON of Bulk charges report

    "type": "BULK_CHARGES",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "reportTime": "2021-07-16 14:15:16",
    "parameters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "dateFilter": "date_added",
        "fromDate": "2023-10-01",
        "toDate": "2023-10-07",
        "customers": [
            "id": "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6"
    "items": [
        "id": "45046",
        "uuid": "ace2dd01-0491-4666-ba9b-ea7b4f214bf1",
        "createdDate": "2023-05-03 16:43:21",
        "activityDate": "2023-05-04 16:43:21",
        "customer": "Customer name",
        "parentEntity": "Consignment",
        "parentReference": "Consignment Ref",
        "parentId": "259",
        "parentUuid": "851e8059-5611-4827-9b5d-a14027f76a13",
        "invoiceId": "844",
        "invoiceStartDate": "2023-05-01",
        "invoiceEndDate": "2023-05-07",
        "type": "Income",
        "automatic": "Yes",
        "feeCategory": "Delivery",
        "account": "Freight Income",
        "description": "Flat Fee = $600.00",
        "qty": 0,
        "charge": 600,
        "warehouseName": "Test Warehouse"
    "id": "8d0ada6a-9414-4cfe-83b6-ac09689373cd"
JSON Property Type Description
id string UUID for the report run.
status string SUCCESS.
reportTime DateTime Time of the report.
items id String ID of Charge.
uuid String UUID of Charge.
createdDate String Charges entity created date.
activityDate String Charges entity activity date. (Only shown when the date filter is set to date_activity)
customer String Customer name.
parentEntity String Charge class.
parentReference String Reference of Charge entity.
parentId String ID of Charge entity.
parentUuid String UUID of Charge entity.
invoiceId String ID of Invoice which Charge is attached to.
invoiceStartDate String Start date of Invoice.
invoiceEndDate String End date of Invoice.
type String Income/Expense.
automatic String Whether Charge is automatically created.
feeCategory String Fee category.
account String Account.
description String Charge description.
qty Float Charge Quantity.
charge Float Charge amount.
warehouseName String Warehouse name.

Response (FAILURE)

Example FAILED Response JSON

    "type": "STOCK_ON_HAND",
    "status": "FAILED",
    "reportTime": "2021-07-20 06:04:33",
    "parameters": {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "warehouse": {
            "name": "Default"
        "customer": {
            "id": "791a3061-383d-4759-a3b4-0bc89d48608d"
        "aggregateBy": [
    "failureDetails": [
            "field": "/parameters",
            "message": "Cannot configure report using provided parameters"
    "id": "61020e13-e53b-45f7-906c-e401a83d880e"
JSON Property Type Description
id string UUID for the report run
status string FAILED
reportTime DateTime Time of the report
failureDetails Object Errors occurred

Standard Elements


  "customer": "REF-1234",
  "tracking": "123-456-EXT",
  "alternateReference": "ALT-REF-5678"

References are a set of external or alternate references for the resource. These may or may not be unique depending on the specific configuration for the tenant and customer. The primary reference or identifier for resources will always be the id which is a UUID

Property Description
customer Customer supplied reference
tracking External tracking number used in consignments
{reference type} Other custom references maybe defined for the tenant


  "id": "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6",
  "name": "Customer A",
  "references": {
    "code": "C123456"

A customer can be referenced using any one of the properties below. Where multiple properties are supplied the first property as listed below will be used.

Property Description
id UUID for the customer
references code Customer code
name Name of the customer


  "id": "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6",
  "name": "Example Warehouse"

A warehouse can be referenced using any one of the properties below. Where multiple properties are supplied the first property as listed below will be used.

Property Description
id UUID for the warehouse
name Name of Warehouse (exactly as spelt in CartonCloud)


  "companyName": "Company A",
  "contactName": "Mr Smith",
  "address1": "1 Main Street",
  "address2": "Unit 2, Corporate Tower",
  "suburb": "Springfield",
  "city": "Metropolis",
  "state": {...},
  "postcode": "4000",
  "country": {...},
  "phone": "07 5512 3456",
  "email": ""
Property Type Required Description
companyName string companyName or contactName Name of the company
contactName string companyName or contactName Contact person's name
address1 string for a complete address First line of street address
address2 string No Additional address information (e.g. unit, apartment, suite)
suburb string No Suburb
city string for a complete address City
state State No State, region or prefecture information
postcode string No Post code (zip code)
country Country for a complete address Country information
phone string No Phone number. Valid phone number must be a string between 0 to 64 characters.
email string No Email address. Valid emails must not start with a full stop (a period), must not start with or contain any spaces, and must have data before and after an @ symbol.


  "code": "QLD",
  "name": "Queensland"

A state can be referenced using any one of the properties below. Where multiple properties are supplied the first property as listed below will be used.

Property Description
code The code used to denote the state
name The name of the state


  "name": "Australia",
  "iso2Code": "AU",
  "iso3Code": "AUS"

A country can be referenced using any one of the properties below. Where multiple properties are supplied the first property as listed below will be used.

Property Description
iso2Code The (ISO Alpha-2 Code) Code of the country
iso3Code The (ISO Alpha-3 Code) Code of the country
name The name of the country


The type of method used to transfer order items to a customer.

  "type": "SHIPPING",
  "service": "Standard"
Property Description Type Default
type The type of delivery method Enum SHIPPING
- SHIPPING A delivery to a customer using a shipping carrier
- PICKUP A delivery that a customer picks up from your warehouse, or other location that you choose
requestedService Requested shipping service. For example 'Standard', 'Express', 'Overnight' etc. String


  "id": "c3706e8c-7526-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b3ebc",
  "name": "Product Name",
  "references": {
      "code": "SKU123",
      "barcode": "00123246586"

A product can be referenced using any one of the properties below. Where multiple properties are supplied the first property as listed below will be used.

Property Description
id UUID for the product
references code Product code
barcode Product barcode
name Name of the Product


  "type": "CARTON"

A unit of measure can be referenced using the property below.

Property Description
type The code of the unit of measure being used


  "amount": 1000,
  "currency": "AUD"
Property Type Description
amount Decimal The amount being used for the field
currency string The currency being used for the field

Delivery Run

    "id": "7b34abb4-e186-11e8-8b31-0260123835bc",
    "name": "Delivery Run Name",
    "warehouse": {
        "enabled": true,
        "name": "Default",
        "id": "93d12a9a-cb7d-1as8-8b31-026943a835bc"
Property Type Description
id string UUID for the delivery run
name string
warehouse Warehouse

Run Sheet

  "id": "93d12a9a-cb7d-1as8-8b31-026943a835bc",
  "name": "Run Sheet Name",
  "date":  "2020-08-04"
Property Type Description
id string UUID for the run sheet
name string
date Date


  "id": "c3706e8c-7526-11e8-adc0-fa7ae01b3ebc"
Property Type Description
id string UUID for the product


  "id": "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6",
  "name": "John Smith"
Property Description
id UUID for the user
name Name of the user

Search Condition Types

There are several condition types supported - Text, Boolean, Numeric, Date


    "type": "TextComparisonCondition",
    "field": {
        "type": "ValueField",
        "value": "reference"
    "value": {
        "type": "ValueField",
        "value": "REF-1234"
    "method": "EQUAL_TO"
Property Type Description
type string TextComparisonCondition
field Search Condition Value Field Object explaining field to match
value Search Condition Value Field Object explaining searchable value
method string Method used for searching (EQUAL_TO / NOT_EQUAL_TO / CONTAINS / DOES_NOT_CONTAIN / STARTS_WITH)


    "type": "BooleanComparisonCondition",
    "field": {
        "type": "ValueField",
        "value": "enabled"
    "value": {
        "type": "ValueField",
        "value": true
Property Type Description
type string BooleanComparisonCondition
field Search Condition Value Field Object explaining field to match
value Search Condition Value Field Object explaining searchable value


    "type": "NumericComparisonCondition",
    "field": {
        "type": "ValueField",
        "value": "value"
    "value": {
        "type": "ValueField",
        "value": 1.5
    "method": "LESS_THAN"
Property Type Description
type string NumericComparisonCondition
field Search Condition Value Field Object explaining field to match
value Search Condition Value Field Object explaining searchable value


    "type": "DateComparisonCondition",
    "field": {
        "type": "ValueField",
        "value": "expiryDate"
    "value": {
        "type": "ValueField",
        "value": "2022-01-15"
    "method": "GREATER_THAN"
Property Type Description
type string DateComparisonCondition
field Search Condition Value Field Object explaining field to match
value Search Condition Value Field Object explaining searchable value

Search Condition Value Field

    "type": "ValueField",
    "value": "reference"
Property Type Description
type string 'ValueField'
value string / boolean / decimal Payload

Error Reference

    "message": "Ice Cream (IC-123) x 2 CTN - Product not found",
    "isResolved": false
Property Type Description
message string Error details
isResolved boolean Current status of the error

Custom Fields

Custom Fields may exist or may be requested by the tenant.


Webhooks are available for most entity changes, and can be configured based on conditions (ie: specific customer, specific status etc).

Configuring Webhooks

At this time, webhooks need to be setup by CartonClouds Integration staff.

To request a webhook to be configured, please contact


Success Status Codes

The following HTTP status codes are used for successful requests.

Status Code Description Reason
200 Success Successfully completed request
201 Created The entity was successfully created
228 Created with issues The entity was created, but has issues that may need to be addressed

Error Status Codes

If there are any errors with the request, an error status code will be returned along with further details of the error in the response body as an array of JSON error objects.

Status Code Description Reason
400 Bad Request Request is invalid
401 Unauthorized Access token or credentials are not valid
403 Forbidden No permissions to access the resource
404 Not Found The resource does not exist, is an invalid URL or unknown version
405 Method Not Allowed Invalid method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)
406 Not Acceptable Invalid Accept-Version header provided
409 Conflict Operation cannot be performed as the resource has been modified by another request
412 Precondition Failed Server does not meet one of the preconditions provided in the request header fields
422 Unprocessable Entity Structure of the request is valid, but data content is invalid or not compatible with the request
429 Too Many Requests Rate limiting has been applied
500 Internal Server Error An issue with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable Temporarily offline for maintenance. Try again later.

Error Response Data


Example Response JSON

    "message": "Request method 'PUT' not supported"

Some errors will simply return a text description of the error encountered, but will still follow the same data structure.

Property Description
message A description of the error

Error codes issued in payload responses:

Code Description
10100 Consignment not found
10200 Multiple consignments found
10201 Consignment is group child
10202 Consignment not approved
10203 Unable to allocate consignment
10204 Consignment not allocated to run
10205 Unable to update to In Warehouse
10206 Driver not found
10207 Consignment not allocated to Run and no Run given
10208 Delivery Run not found
10209 Unable to create Run Sheet
10210 Run Sheet not found
10211 Invalid request
10212 Consignment already allocated
10213 Cannot allocate Consignment
10214 Consignment already In Warehouse
10300 Storage Period cannot be created
10301 Storage Period duplicate
10400 Sale Order not found
10401 Sale Order not Packing In Progress
10402 Sale Order Rejected
10403 Sale Order import error duplicate
10404 Sale Order import error wrong Warehouse
10405 Sale Order import error unauthorized Warehouse
10406 Sale Order import error Customer does not exist
10443 Product error
10444 Product error expired
10445 Product error expiry threshold
10446 Product error warning threshold
10447 Product error out of stock
10448 Product error not enough stock
10449 Product error Product not found
10450 Product error Product deactivated
10451 Product error Product qty is not number
10452 Product error Product qty is negative
10453 Product error Product qty is zero
10454 Product error Product conversion failed
10455 Product error invalid Unit Of Measure
10456 Product error unable to parse
10457 Product error too many products found
10458 Product error qty not whole
10459 Product error product code not specified
11000 Customer not found
12000 Purchase Order potentially undercharged storage


A request data validation error will return the error code 422 and the following response

Example Response JSON

    "field": "/name",
    "message": "Name cannot be empty."
    "field": "/description",
    "message": "Description cannot be empty."
    "field": "/references/customer",
    "message": "A Purchase Order with this Customer Reference already exists.",
    "type": "DUPLICATE",
    "details": {
      "duplicateId": "cd639009-1111-4a89-bf83-8907b8c9d09a"

An array of validation errors with the fields for which the error applies will be returned.

Property Description
field The property field for which the error applies as a JSON Pointer
message A description of the validation error
type (optional) The specific type of error
details (optional) An array containing errors with extra info

Validation Error Type

Type Properties of Details Description
DUPLICATE duplicateId The id of duplicate existing record